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What are the Symptoms of Autism (ASD)?

What are the Symptoms of Autism in Adults and Children? Have you been trying to understand this? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is described as a condition or disorder that is present during the developmental stages of a child and it is said to be caused due to the presence of differences in the brain. Persons with ASD usually have triad symptoms which include difficulties with communication and social interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. Persons with ASD can use different strategies for giving attention, learning or moving.

What are the Symptoms of Autism?

The symptoms of Autism in Adults, toddlers, boys and girls may differ. We are trying to help you understand how you can identify these symptoms, which will enable you to some extent the need to consult a specialist. If you are looking for the treatment of Autism in Sydney, you can contact ANJ Therapy. We would be more than happy to be of help.

Early signs of autism spectrum disorder

Several children with ASD show developmental variations during their infancy and early childhood, mainly in their language and social abilities. Usually, the developmental differences look like delays in language development or differences in social interaction. However, their motor abilities remain intact such as sitting, crawling and walking. Subtle differences in their development such as gestures (pointing), social language and pretend play are often missed by caregivers and doctors. Some of the early signs of ASD are:

  • Lack of or delay in joint attention
  • Understanding and using gestures like pointing
  • Delays in language abilities
  • Using labels or object names before naming family members and people.
  • Echoing or repeating everything spoken to them or everything they hear.
  • Regression or loss of developmental milestones and skills.
  • Early signs of ASD usually develop within the 1-2 years of the child’s life.

Symptoms of ASD in new-born babies

Most parents of ASD children report some signs within the 1-2 years of child’s life. These observations and instincts of the parents are important because this gives us an advantage of early diagnosis and intervention.

Autism doesn’t affect a baby’s physical appearance. It affects how they communicate and interact with the world around them. ASD is known as a “spectrum” disorder the child’s abilities, signs and symptoms differ widely. The symptoms of Autism in babies usually seen are:

  • Lack of good eye contact.
  • They don’t use gestures or pointing.
  • No or occasional response to their name call.
  • Inappropriate or reduced emotions in facial expressions.
  • Delay in speech and language skills.
  • Regression or loss of milestones or abilities
  • Lack of joint attention.

Symptoms of Autism in toddlers

Signs and symptoms of ASD noticed in toddlers and pre-schoolers as they develop from infanthood are

  • Restricted and repetitive behaviors such as hand flapping or hand movements or spinning around etc.
  • Excessive interest in few subjects.
  • Lining up of toys always or excessively.
  • Difficulty in perceiving and understanding the emotions of others.
  • Gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, acidity, diarrhoea and stomach ache.
  • Attachment to systems, schedules and routines.
  • Problems in freely expressing their emotions.
  • Echoing or repeating words and phrases.
  • Expressing strong emotions to unexpected changes.

Symptoms of Autism in girls

ASD in girls looks different from ASD in boys. Sometimes a girl may not show the typical ASD signs and it may appear to be a confusing situation to the caregivers and healthcare practitioners. This is mainly because the research carried out so far is focused on boys. Signs and symptoms usually seen in girls are:

  • Depending on other people to speak or guide them
  • Having sensory issues such as hypersensitivity to sound
  • Being passionate but for limited interests
  • Difficulty in making friends or building relationships.
  • Usually conversing in limited topics of interest.
  • As age increases, problems with social interaction increase.
  • Usually is shy, quiet or passive (in an unusual way).
  • Presence of depression, anxiety issues and or other mental health problems.
  • Inability to control their emotions.
  • Having convulsions or epileptic seizures.

Symptoms of Autism in boys

Autism symptoms vary from child to child. One needs training to accurately diagnose ASD in children. Signs and symptoms usually seen in boys include:

  • Lack of response to name calls.
  • Not pointing to objects that interest them.
  • No, pretend play
  • Delay in speech and language skills
  • Difficulty in understanding others’ feelings and also in expressing their own feelings.
  • Declining eye contact and they prefer to be alone
  • Repetitive behaviors like they flap their hands, rocking their body, or spinning in circles.
  • Usual sensitivity to sounds, smell, taste, touch and sight.
  • Repetition of words and phrases
  • Say unrelated answers to questions
  • React strongly or protest to minor changes
  • Have obsessive interests.

Symptoms of Autism in Adults

Usually, girls or women receive a diagnosis of autism later than boys or men. This means that spotting autism symptoms in females is tougher. Usually, if they show greater social impairments they are diagnosed. Researchers show a concern that mildly autistic females are often being missed. Since the signs and symptoms of autism are not very obvious in females, a large number of girls and women are overlooked. The tools used to assess them are based on observations seen in boys and men and hence it’s difficult to assess girls or women. The sex ratio for ASD is 3:1, hence the bias exists.

Main Signs of Autism in Adults

Common signs of ASD in adults include:

  • Difficulty in understanding other people’s thoughts and feelings.
  • Anxiety issues when it comes to social situations.
  • Prefers to be alone and has difficulty building relationships.
  • Being blunt or rude or seem to be not interested in others unusually.
  • Difficulty in expressing their feelings
  • Cannot understand idioms or sarcasm (for example: break a leg)
  • Adherence to routines and getting anxious when changed.

Autism in Women and Men – Differences

Sometimes ASD signs and symptoms can be different in women and men. It is observed that even the diagnosis of autism in women and men can differ due to some of the women may show signs like:

  • They learn to hide their signs of autism to “fit in” by imitating people who are not autistic.
  • They appear quiet and hide their feelings.
  • They appear to be coping better with social situations.
  • Have very few signs of repetitive behaviors.

This shows that